Tuesday, September 23, 2008

...And Speaking of Flip-Flopping... McCain Can't Make Up His Mind On What He's For And What He's Against!

Yesterday a friend of mine sent me a link to a great video that is the quintessential proof that John W. McSame shows no consistency on his political stances and often times isn't sure what he is for and what he is against. The fact of the matter is that McSame has voted with Bush 95% of the time and with the Repub party 90% of the time, yet claims he is a maverick (whatever that means) and wants to change the way we do things in Washington! ...Here is a link to a FactCheck.org article that proves his voting consistency with Bush & Co: http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/is_it_true_john_mccain_voted_with.html

So, if you want another 3rd term of the mess that Bush & Co. has created (economic failure, corporate bailouts, never-ending war, 9 trillion dollar deficit, extermination of the middle class, etc.), then please feel free to vote for McSame. But if you care at all about future generations and if you truly love this country, please do the right thing....

...Now, without further ado... Here is just one sample video that helps me explain my point... I give to you, John W. McSame! ...Or is it John McMaverick... I'm confused... :) Regardless, how can you trust this liar?!

FYI - You may want to mute the music to hear the video.

1 comment:

Durbin Express said...

oh my god!!!!!!!!wake up o' people of america.......wake up!!!!!!!!